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  • Botanical ink drawing

    Made with; cochineal, cocoa husk, turmeric, red rose, soda ash, iron, baking soda & vinegar.


    300gsm acid free paper in size A5.

    Signed original artwork.


    As the ink is naturally made it might change over time. I recommend placing it out of direct sunlight and preferably framed with UV-protected glass.



    Lavet med; cochenille, chokoladeskaller, gurkemejerod, rød rose, soda, jern, natron & eddike.


    300gsm syrefrit papir i A5.
    Signeret originalt værk.


    Eftersom blækket er naturligt vil det ændre sig over tid. Jeg anbefaler at undgå direkte sollys og gerne indramme med UV glas (også kaldet Art glas eller museumsglas).

    A5 Cochineal, cocoa husk, turmeric & red rose

    kr 250,00Pris

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